October 18, 2007

Guys...hearts, heartaches, and heartbreaks

So, I got this request for some help...
"this guy likes me, but i don't like him. before homecoming he was flirting with me and asked me. i was going to say yes and give him a chance, but here's how he asked me: "Hey, will u go 2 homecoming with me? My girlfriend can't come." WHAT A JERK! so now he keeps trying to flirt with me, i don't know what to do! i heard him talking to his friend in class and guess what he said: "Oh, yeah, I'm just going out with (insert my name) cause shes the best i can do." and i repeat, what a jerk! then there's the guys i actually like. number 1 was previously dating 2 of my friends. hes my total opposite in looks, but he is the sweetest guy ever! i think he likes me, we're good friends, but maybe I'm being too optimistic. number 2 is currently dating 1 of my friends. hes sweet and kind of cute, but sadly unattainable. number 3 is a really cute junior who rides my bus. i gathered info on him from miscellaneous sources(mostly in the drama department). hes sweet and is in the improv troop."

Okay anonymous, this guy who is your supposed "boyfriend" is a jerk.
As for guy number 3, do you really connect, or is it just a small passing crush. If it lasts for more than a month, you might want to ask yourself, does he even acknowledge you exist? That's the danger of older guys. Sure, they may have grown up a lot faster, they have cars (some), and they are HOT!! But, realistically, do they want to date a younger girl? If you think they guy will say no, save yourself some heartbreak...move on with your life and don't worry, it's not the end of the world.
Guy number 2, you know the cardinal rule for friends (whether spoken or unspoken), "Hands off your girlfriend's guy!" He's sweet, cute, and outta your league. Don't give up on a friendship just because of a guy. Heck, there's a whole lotta fish in the sea. If this one doesn't bite, don't worry, another will come along soon.
Guy number 1, first of all, looks don't matter. What does is friends: if your friends who previously dated him has a problem, maybe another guy would be better. If your friends have no objections to you flirting with him or possibly dating him...then, girl, he is available to crush on!! However, don't feel like the guy has to make the first move. If you really like him, maybe its time to show some "signs" but all in all, it's up to you.

Little Star

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your help! I realized that maybe, this guy wasn't THE ONE for me.


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