February 16, 2011

Valentine's Day 2011

So. This is a double post to make up for no post yesterday and a post that could be barely considered a post on the 13th, but really the 14th (12:06am - I count it as night time and my "tomorrow" doesn't start until I wake up from sleeping...). This post also has a ton of photos and my own drawings to make up for the fact that none of my friends (even the artistic ones) had Valentine's Day artwork!

So, without further ado... a V-Day recap.

It was a good Valentine's Day, even though it doubles as Singles Awareness Day...because I made delicious treats for Valentine's Day!
Chocolate covered marshmallows with sprinkles. Pure sugar? Yum!

I was bored and said to myself, "Why not make 36 (or more - I lost count) little marshmallows covered in chocolate in sprinkles?"
So I did.

Here's the fruit of my labor.

Ready to be refrigerated so the chocolate can harden...
...and done refrigerating!
All wrapped up and ready to go!

Different lighting - look at all of those sprinkles!

30 of them were on lollipop sticks (from Michael's). The other (more than 6 now that I think about it) were just wrapped into little bundles of sugary joy (sorry, no photos).

Speaking of sugary things...the nice thing about the day after Valentine's Day is that all of the V-Day specific (and some non-V-Day specific) candies and chocolates go on sale! It's like the week after Halloween, but instead of being black and orange, all the packaging is pink and red!

One example of the V-Day specific candies is (or is it "are"?) conversation hearts candies. If you still don't know what I mean, just keep following along, it'll all make sense as soon as you see it. A lot of people think they taste like chalk, but I actually really enjoy these!

The Evolution of the Conversation Heart Candy (as seen/analyzed by Little Star)
So, it started with "Kiss Me" hearts...

Then phones became popular, so they made "Call Me" hearts...
Then internet became popular, so they made "Chat Me" hearts...

Then cell phones became popular, so they made "Text Me" hearts, but they decided to use texting shorthands so it became "Txt Me" hearts...

Then, Twitter became popular, so they made "Tweet Me" hearts...

And that's where we are today!

So, how was your V-Day?
Little Star

1 comment:

  1. Like the candy hearts... Does it seem like the more technology evolves, the less connected sweethearts become? I mean, it started with actual contact between the parties...and ends with tweeting which requires no physical contact at all. One can tweet the other person (their sweetheart) from the other side of the world (could be great if they HAD to be apart - but not if they only CHOSE to be apart...) - where's the connection in that? Oh well, hope you had a great V-Day.


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