October 24, 2007

Soo busy!!!

I am so sorry, but I have three tests in a row...not fun.
Bus Adventures for yesterday:
Morning: boring...everybody slept...seriously...except that we "celebrated" a birthday with cookies!
Afternoon: We had brownies (supplied by the birthday boy) that were really, really good...even though they didn't look so appetizing...

Bus Adventures for today:
Morning: Er, well, um, I was tired! Um, yeah, so, um, okay, um...zzz...no logic...please...zzz...zzz
Afternoon: Unfortunately, I don't ride Bus 682 on Wednesdays in the afternoon. If you really, really want to know, then readers from bus 682, please COMMENT!!!

Anyways...lots of fun, but I may or may not be able to blog everyday now. With the first quarter of school coming to a close (time flew!), there are test, quizzes, labs, etc. that need to be finished...so, lots of work, but Halloween is in ONE WEEK!!!
I know, I know, I am in high school and I am dressing up to go trick-or-treating, but, HELLO, free candy!! Though, if you do go trick-or-treating, you have to dress up. It's no fair to those of us who did to dress up for you to get all the candy without dressing up. This is the one time of year (besides homecoming week) when you can go all out!!
Did you know that Americans spend at least a million (maybe billion) dollars on one day - HALLOWEEN!!!

Another test to study for,
Little Star


  1. afternoon: me and "the sam kid" stole this kids guitar. i tried to play it. sam kid pretended to play and sang songs. after the first stop got off, we went and talked with the upperclassmen. yup.
    we missed you little star :D

  2. nuthin much happened on the afternoon bus...
    the usual sophomores plus skiddy singin/jokin etc. etc.

    plus z-new and afro dude were playin round wit the guitar

    oh and m boy and b boy took over skiddy's, lil star's, jgal's seat

    oh and jgal had a total breakdown/meltdown/etc. etc.


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