October 16, 2007

Bus 682 Adventures: Day 2

Today, again, the bus was active in the morning. We had a full freshmen section (12 people, 6 guys and 6 girls) and while a few were sleeping or doing homework, the rest where chatting amongst ourselves. We recieved information about tomorrow's dismissal (the sophomores and juniors are taking the PSAT so everyone gets out about three hours early) and word that we were going to have a mini bus-evacuation drill.
When we got to the school, the front half of the bus got off as normal and the back half got to climb out the back!!

Today, I didn't really pay too much attention to what was going on (if you give me a book, you better say good-bye; I won't pay any attention to you at all). If any readers from Bus 682 know what happened, just email me or write a comment!

Reading away,
Little Star


  1. u forgot our OH SO AMAZING
    granola bar wars!
    those r hilarious
    no food on the bus is safe
    granola bars

    speakin of which...
    u want me to bring some tomorrow??

  2. Granola bars are amazing, please and thank you!!

  3. granola BALLS are even more amayzinngg...

    mmmm cinammon...

    you read too much


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