December 22, 2008

Happy Holidays!

Little Star is going on holiday break...even though her school is not getting out until tomorrow the 23. Stupid county superintendent. He really is stupid though, spending money on a huge amount of assistants (for him) and cutting down the schools' budgets affecting teachers, classroom sizes, student to teacher ratios, after-school activities, and sports. Now, tell me if you've met a stupider person in charge and I'll say unless it's Bush and his administration, you're wrong.

Yes, I'll admit it, I'm a democrat. Actually no, I'm not because I can't vote yet. But I don't support what the Bush administration's done to our nation's soft power in the world (hegemony - affects how we influence other nations) or what they've done to our economy (let's see, how much in debt is the USA in now...? Hmm. Lemme think. NOT. We're in serious debt, recession, our stock market affects global stock markets. We're NOT isolated anymore. What happens in America doesn't stay in America. This could lead to a GLOBAL ECONOMY DISASTER! A GLOBAL depression. What got us out of the Great Depression? WWII. Is there another WWIII in the future, I sure darn hope not.)

Anyways, done with my little rant.

Happy Holidays! (See, see! I'm politically correct! Not saying Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah or Have a Nice Kwanzaa or have a nice winter break - for agnostics/atheists. Nope, I'm saying...)

Little Star

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